Varicose Vein Treatment in Southampton

Varicose veins are a venous disease resulting in visible veins along with other problematic symptoms such as aching legs, itching, and swelling. Some people seek spider vein treatment for cosmetic reasons while others seek treatment to reduce leg pain. Whatever reason you may have, Varicose vein treatment in Southampton is available to help meet your needs and get you back on your feet quickly.

Why Choose Avellina Aesthetics for Varicose Vein Treatment?

Avellina Aesthetics is a premier rejuvenation clinic in the Philadelphia area that offers a wide range of treatments to our patients that aims to not only make them look younger but also feel younger as well. Our Southampton varicose vein removal treatments are designed with all of this in mind. 

Avellina’s expert team works with our patients to truly understand their venous symptoms and treatment goals during initial consultations and free vein screenings so that they can offer a custom treatment plan designed to treat you specifically. We offer many non-surgical, minimally invasive treatments for walk-in walk-out service that results in you having to take little or no time off work.

Our vein specialist also works with for your aftercare needs with a follow-up appointment available for additional treatments, if necessary, or to address any other concerns. We strive to ensure that your treatment is working in a way that achieves your goals and needs so that you are content and back on your feet quickly.

What are the Common Symptoms of Varicose Veins in Southampton?

There are many symptoms that cause people to seek out a vein specialist near Southampton including:

  • Visible/ Swollen Veins veins may appear as thread veins with a blue, purple or red color and may appear to bulge through the skin. This is the reason that most people with cosmetic concerns seek out varicose vein treatment Southampton.
  • Aching, Heaviness, or Painthese symptoms are typically most noticeable after prolonged sitting or standing. 
  • Swelling in the Legs – swelling most often occurs in the legs, feet, and ankles and can also result in a throbbing sensation. Varicose vein removal can help to reduce swelling.
  • Restless Leg Syndrome tingling or throbbing feelings in the legs that can make it difficult to get or stay asleep.
  • Skin Changes or Bruising skin may become flaky, discolored, or become bruised because of varicose veins. 
  • Other ConditionsSome of the symptoms of varicose veins may also be the result of more serious conditions such as deep vein thrombosis, pelvic congestion syndrome, venous malformations, chronic venous obstruction, or other vein health problems. This is why, even if you are primarily concerned for cosmetic reasons, you should see a Southampton vein clinic if you have symptoms.

What Treatments are Available for Varicose Veins in Southampton?

The good news is that there are many options available, many as an outpatient procedure, to treat varicose veins including:

  • Home Remedies and Lifestyle ChangesRegular exercising, losing weight, and wearing proper footwear, and compression therapy such as with the use of compression stockings can help with varicose vein symptoms.
  • Endovenous Laser Treatments Endovenous laser ablation (EVLA) is a treatment performed under local anesthesia where a thin laser fiber is inserted into the vein, through a small incision made by a vascular surgeon, used to cause the vein to collapse, close, and disappear.
  • Radiofrequency Ablation this procedure performed by a Southampton varicose vein clinic uses heat waves to destroy abnormal tissue such as varicose veins.
  • Sclerotherapy – this type of treatment involves injecting a chemical, known as a sclerosing agent, to damage and scar vein tissue causing the vein to collapse and eventually disappear. Commonly used sclerosing agents include Varithena, VenaSeal, Asclera, and ClariVein. Sclerotherapy can be done as visual sclerotherapy or ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy (UGSC) and recovery time is relatively quick. 
  • Vein Surgery – Surgical options include ligation and stripping where the vein is tied off and striped and phlebectomy where the vein is pulled out with a hook. It is important to choose surgical options at an IAC-accredited facility where veins can be mapped with a duplex ultrasound scan.

Contact Southampton Varicose Vein Specialists at Avellina Aesthetics

When you are looking for vein clinics – Southampton, PA, look no further than the experts at Avellina Aesthetics. Our experts at Avellina offer many treatment options for varicose veins and accept insurance coverage, if applicable. We will work with you to understand your needs and goals to develop a treatment plan that works for you. To learn more about varicose vein treatment, contact Avellina Aesthetics today!

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