What Precautions Should I Take After Microneedling?

Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure that can help increase collagen levels in your skin, which in turn makes your skin look younger, firmer, and more vibrant. It can offer many benefits for the appearance of your skin; however, certain precautions need to be taken to ensure that your skin properly heals from the procedure.

Avoid Sun Exposure

After the microneedling treatment, your skin will likely be swollen and red for up to 48 hours. You will want to avoid sun exposure as much as possible for these first 48 hours by staying inside or wearing a hat that covers your face. You will also want to stay hydrated to help with the healing process of the skin. Avoiding things like excessive caffeine and alcohol use can also help you stay hydrated and speed up the healing process.

For the next two weeks or so, you will want to apply sunscreen daily and reapply sunscreen after long bouts of sun exposure or after swimming or showering. This will ensure that your skin is protected during this delicate healing stage. 

Avoid Certain Skin Care Products

The benefits of microneedling are substantial but you may experience some side effects shortly after the treatment such as acne that leaves you reaching for certain skin care products. However, you need to avoid harsh skincare products such as those meant to exfoliate, anything that is scented, or anything with glycolic acid or alpha hydroxy acid. Instead, use a gentle cleanser that uses all natural ingredients or one that has been recommended by your doctor. 

You may also want to apply moisturizer after the procedure and you can use moisturizer, just make sure you check with your dermatologist about which ones you can use. Coconut oil is usually a safe bet. You will also want to avoid makeup for a day or even 48 hours during these microneedling healing stages because this can clog the pores and lead to breakouts. 

You should also avoid retinol and vitamin C serum for at least 48 hours after the procedure. Most importantly, you will want to follow post-treatment instructions from your doctor about which products are safe to use.

What Precautions Should I Take After Microneedling?

Avoid Infection

Microneedling involves poking tiny holes in your skin so you will want to be especially careful in avoiding infection. To do this, avoid touching the treated area and be sure to wash your hands frequently and before touching your face. 

You will also want to avoid swimming pools, saunas, and situations where you might sweat heavily for at least 72 hours and be sure to attend follow-up appointments with your doctor to ensure your skin is healing properly. 

While the aftercare precautions may seem intense, the benefits of microneedling from Avellina Aesthetics are substantial. Microneedling encourages collagen production in the skin which can help soften fine lines, shrink pores, fade acne scars, brighten skin, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and age spots.

The longevity of microneedling should also not be underestimated. For things like sagging skin and wrinkles, the results can last up to a year. However, you can get top-up microneedling treatments that can improve the results and make them last even longer. 


Microneedling is available at Avellina Aesthetics under the supervision of Dr. Violetta Berdichevskaya who has over 20 years of medical practice experience. Avellina Aesthetics is a premier rejuvenation clinic in Philadelphia that aims to provide exceptional treatments to their patients that make them look and feel younger. 

Avellina Aesthetics patients have seen incredible results in their skin’s appearance after microneedling treatments. If you are interested in improving the appearance of your skin, contact Avellina Aesthetics today to set up an appointment. 

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