PDO thread treatments can usually last up to 12-18 months. The threads themselves dissolve over time, but their effects are designed to continue to stimulate collagen production in the treated area, which maintains results for longer, especially with proper care.

How long will it take to see the final results of PDO threads?

How To Do PDO Thread Lift Aftercare?

PDO (Polydioxanone) Thread Lifts treatments results are usually noticeable immediately after the procedure. Many people have visible results within a few days. However, it is important to note that full effects may take a few weeks to months for full results, especially if you are working with your specialist for multiple treatments.

After the procedure, you may experience some swelling or sensitivity in the treated area, which can take several days to subside. However, the procedure doesn’t typically require any downtime, and you can resume your daily activities with some restrictions, such as no heavy lifting, exercise, or other facial treatments unless cleared with your doctor. 

Then, it won’t be long until you can begin to see the lifting and tightening effects of a PDO Thread Lift treatment.

Over the following weeks and months, the threads will gradually dissolve, but their effects on the skin last longer. As the threads dissolve, they continue to stimulate the production of collagen, which can help to maintain the lifting and tightening effects of the treatment.

How To Do PDO Thread Lift Aftercare?

Aftercare is crucial to ensure that the PDO face thread lift results last longer, along with the threads settling properly, promoting healing.

Here are some of the general aftercare tips that your specialist will go over with you.

  • Avoid touching the treated area:

You should avoid touching or rubbing the treated area for at least 24 hours after the procedure to reduce the risk of infection. You may feel inclined to touch or tap the area because it has a new feeling to it, but don’t.

  • Avoid strenuous activity:

You should avoid any strenuous activity or exercise for the first few days after the procedure to ensure the PDO threads have set properly. Too much heavy lifting, running, etc. could displace them. You’re doing this for you, so take a day or two!

  • Apply ice packs:

Use ice packs or cold compresses to the treated area to reduce swelling and discomfort, but don’t press too hard and cycle on and off.

  • Take pain medication:

In most cases, people do well with over-the-counter pain relievers before, during, and for the few days after the treatment. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe pain medication if necessary.

  • Avoid makeup:

It’s best to avoid applying makeup for at least 24-48 hours after your treatment, or as per your specific instructions by your specialist.

  • Sleep with your head elevated:

If possible, stay slightly elevated for the first few nights after the procedure to minimize swelling and allow the PDO threads to properly set.

  • Follow your doctor's instructions:

Following the doctor’s aftercare instructions is important. Make sure you go to your follow-up appointments and check in immediately if you have any concerns.

Proper aftercare is essential for achieving optimal results and minimizing the risk of complications after PDO thread facial treatment.

Get a Rejuvenated Look with the best PDO Thread Treatment -

PDO thread lifts offer a non-surgical, non-invasive way to achieve a firmer, more youthful, and lifted appearance. Avellina Aesthetics offers the best PDO thread treatment for Face to help you look and feel your best. 

With our Doctor B. specializing in cosmetic and skin rejuvenation, and her team of attentive medical practitioners certified in all of the most state of the art technology and techniques, you can expect top-quality personalized care and stunning results at Avellina Aesthetics. Request a consultation today.