The PDO (Polydioxanone) threads used in a PDO thread-lift procedure are incredibly fine and inserted into the skin's subcutaneous layer using a thin needle. Once in place, they act as a scaffold or support structure for the skin. The primary mechanism of a PDO thread lift lies in two essential aspects: mechanical lifting and collagen stimulation.

Firstly, the threads provide immediate mechanical lifting. As they are inserted into the skin, they are strategically placed in target areas requiring rejuvenation, such as the cheeks, jawline, neck, or eyebrows. The sagging or loose skin is lifted by carefully positioning the threads, giving a noticeable tightening effect.

Additionally, PDO thread lifts are responsible for stimulating collagen production. When the PDO threads are inserted, they create micro-injuries in the skin, triggering the body's natural healing response. The skin perceives these micro-injuries as a signal to produce collagen and elastin fibers. As a result, new collagen is synthesized around the threads, strengthening the skin's structure and improving its elasticity.

What is the Procedure for PDO Thread Lift?

Here is a thorough explanation of the complete process of a PDO thread lift treatment –

1. Consultation: The first step is to schedule a consultation with a qualified medical professional specializing in PDO thread lifts. During this initial appointment, you will discuss your aesthetic goals, concerns, and expectations. The doctor will assess your skin’s condition, determine your eligibility for the procedure, and explain the treatment in detail.

2. Preparation: On the day of the procedure, you will be taken to a treatment room, where the doctor or nurse will prepare you for the PDO thread lift. Your face will be cleansed, and any makeup, lotions, or oils will be removed. The treatment area may be marked to guide the thread insertion process.

3. Anesthesia: Local anesthesia may be administered to numb the treatment area and ensure comfort throughout the procedure. This helps minimize any potential discomfort or pain.

4. Thread Insertion: The doctor will start the thread insertion process once the anesthesia has taken effect. They will use a thin needle or cannula to insert the PDO threads into the subcutaneous layer of the skin. The specific technique and placement of the threads will depend on your individual needs and the targeted areas.

5. Thread Placement: The threads are strategically placed to lift and support the skin in targeted areas. Depending on your goals, the threads may be inserted in a linear or zigzag pattern to achieve the desired lift and contour. The number of threads used will vary, depending on the extent of treatment required.

After the thread insertion, your doctor may provide specific instructions for PDO thread aftercare. Also, remember that every individual is unique, and the specifics of the procedure may vary depending on factors such as the desired outcome, the number of threads required, and the expertise of the medical professional performing the treatment. 

Revitalize Your Appearance with the Best PDO Thread Lift Treatment

Transform your appearance with our PDO thread lift procedure. Discover the power of PDO thread lift treatment to lift, tighten, and revitalize your skin.  Contact Dr. B for PDO thread. Trust Avellina Aesthetics to achieve your desired youthful look without any trouble.