Botox is a purified protein which temporarily halts the activity of muscles responsible for certain facial wrinkles. It is commonly used to treat frown lines located between the brows and crow’s feet next to the eyes. It is also effective in treating neck bands. Results generally last three to four months.

Smooth out Wrinkles with Botox

Is an Allentown Botox Treatment Right For Me?

Derived from sources that exist in nature.

BOTOX is one of the most extensively studied medical aesthetic treatments and is approved for cosmetic use in 78 countries.* BOTOX has a record of experience that aesthetic providers know and trust. And, the safety and efficacy of Allentown BOTOX have been evaluated in both Allergan sponsored clinical trials as well as in 417 peer-reviewed articles in scientific and medical journals.

Common Botox Treatment Areas 

  • Crows Feet

  • Frown Lines

  • Forehead

  • Bunny lines (lines on the nose)

  • Elevate the corners of the mouth

  • Chin dimples

  • Platysmal bands (neck lines)

  • Sweating to arm pits, hands and feet

  • Sweating to forehead and scalp

Common Botox Treatment Areas

Common Botox Treatment Areas


What should I expect from my Botox Treatment?

Noticeable and natural looking results. 

You may begin to notice results within 24 to 48 hours for moderate to severe frown lines, with results lasting up to 4 months. Some patients report that being injected with BOTOX feels like a pinch. Your provider may use ice to numb the treatment area. If you are concerned about discomfort, your provider may apply a topical numbing cream before administering your treatment. Learn more Here.

We will take the time to understand your treatment goals and develop a Allentown, PA Botox treatment plan that is right for you. Call us to schedule your Free, no obligation consult or fill out the form below and we will give you a call back. (215) 722-6022