At any age, it is important to understand that the decision to undergo any cosmetic procedure should be a carefully considered one. Additionally, it’s important to be in sound physical and mental health and have realistic prospects about any treatment. So, for these reasons, in the US, the FDA has established age restrictions for certain cosmetic treatments.

Lip filler injections are FDA approved for individuals over the age of 21. However, the treatment is also available to those 18 and older with parental consent.

Minimum age limit for getting lip fillers

In the US, lip fillers are FDA-approved cosmetic treatments for adults over 21, or over 18 with parental consent. Cosmetic physicians will not provide treatments such as lip fillers to teenagers or adolescents, and even at 18-20, formal parental consent is required.

Why is the age limit good for lip filler treatment?

What age can you get lip fillers

Skin experts believe the age restriction on lip fillers is a good idea for many reasons, even though Women and Men Lips Fillers have been established by the FDA as safe. Adolescent and teenage bodies are still developing, which is why cosmetic procedures are not endorsed. Additionally, unlike changing one’s hair or nails, cosmetic adjustments are a more invasive, semi-permanent commitment. Read on for more perspective on the age limit of fillers.

  • Improve users safety

Your body naturally produces a substance called hyaluronic acid, which keeps your skin plump and moisturized. Even though lip injections undergo complete safety testing, the safety of individuals under 21 has not been tested or proven.

  • Expectations from Cosmetic Treatments

Individuals of all ages find it challenging to keep sensible anticipations regarding how cosmetic treatments will improve their appearance. With time, we all mature and become more realistic in our aspirations. For this reason, lip fillers, among other cosmetic procedures, are limited to adults with more realistic expectations.

  • Perspective and Expectations

These are important since cosmetic procedures like lip fillers provide an excellent method to highlight facial features and lessen the effects of age. However, these procedures are a kind of self-care rather than a means of molding oneself into an ever-evolving perfection, especially during the times of social media expectations. All these treatments require moderation and balance. Establishing age restrictions gives younger people a chance to develop their own healthy expectations.

  • Cost of Lip Fillers

Experts believe younger individuals are more susceptible to choosing inexpensive, lower-quality injections that may not be safe. Waiting until you have a reliable professional and enough money for secure, premium lip fillers is important.

These factors apply to adults as well. Therefore, before deciding to undergo cosmetic improvements, you should take the time to assess your expectations, and what you can afford from a quality specialist.

What are the potential risks of getting lip fillers?

While these are rare, there are always risks and side effects with any procedure. The risks are increased if you don’t select a certified physician or you cannot afford the proper quality materials.

  • At the injection locations, there could be: bleeding, tenderness, discomfort, or color changing.

  • Infection, if performed with poor quality materials or by a non-licensed specialist

  • Vascular stress,

  • Your lips might vary in size (asymmetry).

  • Your face may have bleeding from the lip filler in other places, typically near the nose (migration).

These are some risks everyone should keep in mind before choosing any lip injections.

Schedule a consultation to get fuller and plump lips

We have been providing various cosmetic procedures along with Philadelphia lip fillers for many years. Avellina Aesthetics has certified medical physicians who specialize in aesthetic enhancements and skin rejuvenation. Contact us for a consultation!